About us

Our team believes that significant value can only be achieved through innovation. That is why innovation is at the core of our genesis. We work hard to anticipate and develop solutions which help our customers meet the challenges of the rapidly changing 21st century.

With massive impact from the green energy revolution around the world, dramatic changes experienced in the retail industry and growth of Electric Vehicles, new smart and future proof solutions are required.

This is exactly what Carpark Transformer is doing. Our modular solution can transform your carpark into a viable profit center with several layers of revenue. The inherent flexibility of CPT will allow you to adapt to ever changing market requirements.This includes satisfying EV charging customers, providing an additional mix of goods andservices or indeed remove some the less successful ones.

Our extensive product line will suite the most discerning customer. Whether you are looking for an elegant budget solution for your carpark or where your luxury clientele expects only the best.

We have the whole range of solutions for you. You can choose between a number of our designs or indeed we can develop a bespoke solution. We also have capability to capture grey water.

Naturally approvals may be required to implement our projects. Please note that in many cases our solutions will be well received by the planning authorities as a way of reducing the carbon footprint and helping revitalise city centres that may be in decline.

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